The rules of engagement have truly changed. The new model equips sales people with advance information about a company’s plans, an inside window into the key relationships and politics, a friendly hand to open a door and tools to manage multiple relationships with differing timing requirements.
Sales people can no longer afford to fish with a hook trying to land whoever will bite. They must fish with a net – keep the good ones and throw back the rest.
SWARM© is a radical shift in selling using tools that have been around for some time. We are not reinventing the wheel but using the tools of Networking, Technology, an expert Facilitator along with an applied Methodology to achieve a unique synergy and highly potent result.
The sale’s person who participates in a SWARM© team immediately discovers that they are no longer alone and have strong allies to help them climb the power curve. They have access to a large reservoir of information and teammates. The paradigm shift comes in learning how to filter through the leads created by the team and find a leverage point within the team to turn this information into an appointment or relationship. The sales person functions like a quarterback in an option offense. They call the signals and as they run the play and look for the best person to either block or hand off too.
The high number of warm leads the team provides allows a sales person to “cherry pick” the best ones. This saves a lot of wasted time running down mediocre opportunities trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. A sales person can perform better when they can wait for “the right pitch” instead of coming to the plate already behind in the count. The immediate opportunity for SWARM© members is to take advantage of “timing” opportunities.
The sale’s person who participates in a SWARM© team immediately discovers that they are no longer alone and have strong allies to help them climb the power curve. They have access to a large reservoir of information and teammates. The paradigm shift comes in learning how to filter through the leads created by the team and find a leverage point within the team to turn this information into an appointment or relationship. The sales person functions like a quarterback in an option offense. They call the signals and as they run the play and look for the best person to either block or hand off too.
The high number of warm leads the team provides allows a sales person to “cherry pick” the best ones. This saves a lot of wasted time running down mediocre opportunities trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. A sales person can perform better when they can wait for “the right pitch” instead of coming to the plate already behind in the count. The immediate opportunity for SWARM© members is to take advantage of “timing” opportunities.